New Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and RAM Inventory
+ Low-mileage lease for well-qualified lessees. Based on MSRP example of $35,935 with 29G package after all applicable offers. Total due at lease signing includes a down payment and first month's payment. Offer requires dealer contribution. Tax, title & license extra. Lessee is solely responsible for early lease termination payments, fees, costs, penalties, excess wear and tear and mileage of $0.30/mile for each mile over 10,000 miles per year, if vehicle is returned at end of term. $395 disposition fee due at lease end. Dealer's actual terms may vary. Offer through Stellantis Financial Services. Residency restrictions apply. Contact dealer for details. Must take delivery by 02/03/2025.
2024 Jeep
Compass Limited
Compass Limited
Lease for $349/month for 42 months $3,600 due at signing
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